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Affordable housing asset managers need a good grounding the Low Income Housing Tax Credit program, so all candidates for the Certified Housing Asset Manager® designation are required to take a class in LIHTC compliance.

CHAM does not offer this course itself. You may take one of our pre-approved options or one that meets our standards.

Upcoming Classes

Fulfil the required elective in-person at the NeighgborWorks Training Institute in August 25-29, 2025 in New Orleans, LA: 

  • Using the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) (AH115 )

Registration opens in the Spring.

For pre-approved providers, when you complete the class please send documentation to to get credit for meeting the requirement.

Other providers will be considered if their courses include the topics covered in the NeighborWorks class How to Maintain Compliance in LIHTC Projects (AH211wk). At a minimum, the class should be 8 hours and include an overview of the program and how to maintain compliance. Please submit your request to before you enroll in an alternative class.

Already taken a LIHTC class? It is important for asset managers to stay current with their LIHTC compliance knowledge, so candidates must have taken a LIHTC compliance class that meets  CHAM’s standards in the last five years. CHAM will not waive this requirement based on experience. Please send documentation to to get credit.

You do not need to take any optional tests to earn a certificate in LIHTC compliance to meet CHAM’s requirements. Cost of LIHTC classes vary widely, from $400 to $1199, so choose the one that works best for your professional needs and meets your budget.

Pre-Approved Classes

Karen Graham Consulting – LIHTC Comprehensive Training
Three consecutive half days plus optional test for the Housing Credit Certified Professional (HCCP) designation. Class is taught virtually throughout the year. Find out more.

Nan McKay – Fundamentals of Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Management Certification
This course provides an overview of LIHTC fundamentals, including compliance time periods, basics of applying for tax credits, how credits are calculated, recapture, tenant income calculation and eligibility, rent setting, ongoing eligibility requirements, and property inspection protocol.

  • The course is offered as instructor-led online training several times a year. Registration information is here.
  • The course is also available now as self-paced training, requiring approximately 35 Hours to complete including learning exercises, study, and exam.  Find out more.

National Association of Homebuilders – Housing Credit Certified Professional
HCCP is a specialized designation for developers, property managers, asset managers and others working in the affordable housing industry through the LIHTC program. Courses offered for the designation are offered from multiple providers. Find out more.

National Center for Housing Management – Tax Credit Specialist
NCHM offers LIHTC classes both online and in-person throughout the year. Online is four days for 4 hours each day. Cost is $875. Find out more.

NeighborWorks – How to Maintain Compliance in LIHTC Projects
How to Maintain Compliance in LIHTC Projects (AH211) goes beyond the day-to-day compliance needs of property management and covers the variety of responsibilities the general partner has for maintaining compliance through the life of the property. This class is typically offered in-person at the NeighborWorks Training Institute or virtually at the NeighborWorks Virtual Training Institute. 

Novogradac – Online LIHTC Property Compliance Workshop
This is an 11-hour, two-day, online course that will provide attendees with the up-to-date LIHTC compliance knowledge and industry trends critical to owners and property managers. At the conclusion of the workshop, attendees have the opportunity to pass an exam to obtain the Novogradac Property Compliance Certification (NPCC), a certification for members of the LIHTC community. The course is offered 6 times a year. Find out more. For nonprofits to access the reduced rate, you need to first register as a nonprofit with Novogradac. Then when you log in, you will see the nonprofit prices in your dashboard and be able to enroll.

Quadel – LIHTC + Blended Compliance
This course provides participants with comprehensive guidance on LIHTC compliance requirements, while also taking into consideration the unique compliance issues that arise when HUD-Assisted Multifamily, HOME, CDBG, Public Housing, and RAD are also in the mix. The course is offered as 4 consecutive half days (M-Th) of instructor-led webinars, with an optional certification exam on the fifth day (Friday). The course is offered regularly. Registration information is here.

Spectrum – C3P Tax Credit Certification- On-Demand Seminar Series 
This seminar is available as a two-day, online pre-recorded certification course focusing on all aspects of marketing and management of projects involved with the Low Income Housing Tax Credit. The seminar includes case studies for HUD, Rural Development and conventional properties with a detailed discussion of IRS regulations, income limits, and recapture issues. The seminar includes eligibility, rent calculations and restrictions, continuing compliance, and a discussion of IRS final regulations on compliance monitoring. Find out more here.

It is critical for asset managers to have up-to-date knowledge of LIHTC compliance and program trends. That is why we offer a variety of options. Choose the class that best fits your needs.