Build Your Risk Management Skills
One of the main responsibilities of asset managers is to manage risks for their portfolio of affordable housing properties. To help you achieve your goals, CHAM Basic Membership now includes “affiliate membership” with the Nonprofit Risk Management Center.
Our NRMC affiliation affords CHAM members access to a myriad of useful risk management capacity building services, including:
Risk Help
Unlimited risk management advice by phone or email. Like a Risk Manager on retainer!
Webinar Vault + Live Webinars
Online access to 6 new live webinars per year and 200+ recorded programs on critical (and quirky!) risk topics.
My Risk Assessment
20%+ discount on a self-directed risk assessment web app. Lead your own internal risk assessment with ease!
My Risk Management Plan
Online access to a Risk Management Plan builder for only $29. Draft your Plan today!
My Risk Management Policies
Online access to a bank of 100+ customizable policy templates for only $29. Draft new policies in minutes!
This flyer describes all of the services:
How to Take Advantage of NRMC Resources
As an “affiliate member” of NRMC, CHAM is able to pass along access to NRMC’s risk management training, consulting, tech and educational resources. Some of these services are free, some are discounted and some are just amazingly priced. But to access them, you must be a CHAM member.
Not a CHAM member yet? It is open to individuals, it is completely free and it takes just a few minutes to fill out the application form. Become a CHAM Member here.
Then visit www.nonprofitrisk.org. Click on the white Affiliate Log In. Click on Create Your Account. In “Affiliate” box type in The Consortium for Housing and Asset Management. And complete your profile. It takes 24-48 hours for your access to process.